• Words that must be spoken

    Faith in Humanity = Restored

    Nearly every Monday, around 11:30 a.m., you can find me at the Honey Bee Ham store in Weatherford, TX.  I teach for Weatherford College all morning, and then later, work a shift at TCU, so I grab a bite there before heading to Ft. Worth.  Why the Honey Bee Ham store, you may ask? There are several reasons: the amazing food – wraps, sandwiches, salads, bee-nana pudding, etc., the Christian music playing over the speakers, and the inspirational, faith-based sayings on the walls, but even more than all of that – the people.  The workers are all ladies either around my age or slightly older and they are the happiest…

  • Words that must be spoken

    Opening a Can of Worms

    I was thinking just this morning that I was getting so frustrated with all of the political rhetoric on Facebook and that I should probably take a step back.  I can take it when someone disagrees with me.  I really can.  What I can’t take is the plethora of misinformation formatted as propaganda.  I often see posts that look questionable, and rather than rushing to click “share,” I do a quick search and find out that something has been twisted to fit an agenda.  Sometimes, it’s so obviously a doctored photograph, that I can’t believe someone would actually believe it.  Other times, I can tell it’s a real picture, but…