Words that must be spoken

Flash Forward

It’s hard to believe that it’s been nearly a year since I posted on the blog. This whole getting older thing has completely thrown me for a loop. I not only lose track of time, but I can no longer gauge it. We met last week, you say? That can’t be right. Wasn’t it Monday? Or was it a month ago? I don’t know. The calendar on my phone has become my lifeline. I don’t just use it to see what’s coming, I use it to see what I’ve done. It’s like I’ve stepped into some kind of time warp that I can’t keep up with. I’m not likin’ it.

So here’s the latest on my life:

We are still in the travel trailer – two years in. I know what many of you are thinking. I know it because I’ve heard it from so many people, “How are you doing this?” “I couldn’t do it.” “My marriage wouldn’t survive it.” Am I close to what you’re thinking? To be honest, I’ve been able to endure it pretty well because I’ve had three part-time jobs that have kept me busy, mostly outside the “home/camper.” (Teaching at Weatherford College, being a Writing Specialist for TCU Athletics, and teaching an online class for Southern New Hampshire University) Because of that, the three of us were rarely home all at once, except to sleep. I worked at TCU mostly in the evenings. That’s not to say my “boys” are difficult to live with. It’s me. I need some space to move around. Space is at a premium in Casa de Altum.

Why are we still in the trailer, you ask? A series of events involving two builders that didn’t work out is the simple answer. The excellent news is that we found a builder who will build the house we want, and they’ve started on it. Here, for example, is the slab, just poured two days ago!

Our slab. Notice the camping chair on my “front porch.”

It has been a ridiculously long time comin’, but I’m so thankful for every step we make in the right direction. (If you are a pray-er, please lift up my sanity. It’s tender these days.)

We’ve added a new family member to our flock. Meet “Bo.”

This is the broken border collie pose. They all seem to do it.
He does more than sleep.

So we now have a male and female border collie to go along with our blue heeler mix.  Are we a ranch family or what?

Lawrence retired from teaching after one year at Mineral Wells High School.  It was best – for his mental health.  He now works for Palo Pinto County doing maintenance – mowing, hauling rocks, trimming trees, whatever needs to be done.  He really enjoys it, and I’m happy for him.

Samuel is 12 and so tall that he looks me in the eye. (That’s a giant chair.  He didn’t shrink.)
He’s continuing to grow daily.  He will be his dad’s height very soon. He’s funny, bright, and crazy.  That’s how we like him.

There’s more, but I don’t want to write a novel here – just yet.  I’ll be posting again soon.  I want to exercise this writing muscle.  I don’t want it flabby before its time.